måndag 21 januari 2008


I said I would never write in English again, but I am not a women of my word. It is however, not the same. I become someone else, I become the person I am in this country and though I reach a broader public (that is, from three to five) it is at the expence of my witty ways. Perhaps it doesn’t completely eliminate them, but rather puts an international flavour to my words and sucks out some of the personality or better yet, gives them another one. In any case, multiple personalities have never been a problem worth mentioning for me, so I will just shut up and go on.
Future was here the other day, just to let me know she is coming and her sonofabitch brother Time was passing by. Less than a year from now I will graduate and then what? People asking me what I will and want to work with all get different answeres, partially out of spite because such questions are in most cases uttered to avoid silence and partially because I don’t know what to say. It is not fair. It is not fair to be more lost at the age of almost twentythree than that of sixteen. Okay. A to-do list:

- decide the theme for the thesis
- decide what area in chemistry I want to work with
- send Julia the recepie for kanelbullar
- decide what country to live in
- study for exams
- clean the bathroom
- get married and have 3.2 babies
- take the vitamins
- add some pictures on Facebook
- make plans for Future (if not, buy razor blades)

As you see, I’ve got things to do.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Well, I can help you out for :
- Get Married and have 3.2 babies (except if you mean 32 oO)
- Clean the bathroom (well need confirmation)
- make plans for Future (or at least I can buy some blades :p)

What you forgot:
-Practice French Kiss (don't ask !!your partner is already defined !!)
-Remove the sword of Jack Sparrow
-Be nice :) (j/k)
-Finish Heroes Season !!!!


Anonym sa...

Darling, du är för härlig! Det var mysigt att se ditt döta ansikte i julan igen, om än det var på tok för kort tid. Tur att man får umgås och skratta lite med dina skämt på bloggen. It´s a life saver! Puss. /Julia

Anonym sa...

(Tydligen är jag dyslektiker i ovanstående kommentar. Men det är ju inget fel med det, som tur är! ) /Julia :)