fredag 26 september 2008


Today is just one of thoes days. When you suffer from 37 mosquito bites, your feet hurt but you have to run to catch the train, your interview goes great but you obsess about one little thing you shouldn't have said, you go swimming to be alone with your thoughts but it's so crowded with children that you just want to tear your ovaries out. You have too deadlines for next week and they still haven't okay-ed that important project you want to do. Even your internet connection shuts down when you're writing this text. And when you don't feel pretty even though you should, because you spent the whole morning doing your make-up and had your cute outfit laid out since yesterday. Yes, yesterday was better. Maybe tomorrow will be too. Or later today. But not right now. I'm hungry.

söndag 14 september 2008


It takes me half a minute to figure out what is left and what is right. When someone says "turn right" when I'm driving, I have to think about the hand I use when I write and do a little fake-scribbleing in the air to make sure it's the right right one. Which is sometime a problem in traffic.

torsdag 11 september 2008

Attempt to save the world #1

My dear friends, I've come across an article and I just had to publish it in my blog. Please have the patience to read the whole thing, otherwise you might misunderstand me.

"Obama's verbal slip fuels his critics"
By Christina Bellantoni (Contact)
The Washington Post, September 7, 2008

"ST. LOUIS, Mo. - Sen. Barack Obama's foes seized Sunday upon a brief slip of the tongue, when the Democratic presidential nominee was outlining his Christianity but accidentally said, "my Jewish faith."
The three words -- immediately corrected -- were during an exchange with ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," when he was trying to criticize the quiet smear campaign suggesting he is a Jew.
But illustrating the difficulty of preventing false rumors about his faith from spreading, anti-Obama groups within one hour of the interview had sliced it out of context and were sending it around via email. They also were blogging about it.
Mr. Obama, who is a Christian and often proudly speaks about how his faith has influenced his public service, said he finds it "deeply offensive" that there are efforts "coming out of the Republican camp to suggest that perhaps I'm not who I say I am when it comes to my faith."
The exchange came after Mr. Obama said that Republicans are attempting to scare voters by suggesting he is not Christian, which McCain campaign manager Rick Davis said was "cynical."
Asked about it on ABC, Mr. Obama said, "These guys love to throw a rock and hide their hand."
"The McCain campaign has never suggested you have Jewish connections," said Mr. Stephanopoulos, who repeatedly interrupted Mr. Obama during the interview.
"I don't think that when you look at what is being promulgated on Fox News, let's say, and Republican commentators who are closely allied to these folks," Mr Obama responded, and Mr. Stephanopoulos interrupted: "But John McCain said that's wrong."
Mr. Obama noted that when Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin "was forced" to talk about her pregnant 17-year-old daughter, he issued a forceful statement to reporters that the line of inquiry was "off limits." But he said the McCain campaign tried to tie him to "liberal blogs that support Obama" and are "attacking Governor Palin."
"Let's not play games," he said. "What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Jewish faith. And you're absolutely right that that has not come."
Mr. Stephanopoulos interrupted with, "Christian faith."
"My Christian faith," Mr. Obama said quickly. "Well, what I'm saying is that he hasn't suggested that I'm a Jew. And I think that his campaign's upper echelons have not, either. What I think is fair to say is that, coming out of the Republican camp, there have been efforts to suggest that perhaps I'm not who I say I am when it comes to my faith -- something which I find deeply offensive, and that has been going on for a pretty long time."
Asked to comment on the accidental misstatement illustrating the difficulty of the issue, Obama spokesman Bill Burton offered this comment: "I'm not surprised that the only outlet doing this story is The Washington Times."
You can view the full context of Mr. Obama's comments on ABC here.

This is the original text, except for the word "Muslim", which I replaced with the word "Jew". Why? Because I want to provoke you. I want you to realize what you are reading, writing, thinking. I chose "Jew", because about 70 years ago you could read similar things in German newspapers. A race almost extinct. Do we want history to repeat itself? What is even more absurd are the comments to the article (selected randomly below, unaltered). Islam is a sexually transmitting disease. Not only do you need to be cured, you are morally depraved just for being infected.
I respect Obama, Christian or Muslim, but I don't understand the defensive behaviour. "I am not a Muslim", as if it's a bad word. Sounds a little like Bill. However, I do find web pages such as and very amusing.

Enjoy further reading.

Comments 1 - 20 of 34

By: tonykub
For those that are voting for Obama because he is black, I ask that you look objectively. I am a 38 year old caucausion male raised in northern Florida, I am more black than Obama. Now if you are voting for him to support Muslims then you would be correct. Do your own research & don't rely on T.V. shows to give you your information. God Bless America.
September 11, 2008 at 11:55 a.m. | Mark as Offensive

By: tonykub
If you don't think religion has any bearing, think again. It was'nt Christians who piloted planes into the Word Trade Center or slaughter our Soldiers with road side bombs everyday-It's MUSLIMS. Obama has a long history of being aquainted with muslim & racial extremist groups (Black Panthers)as well as socialist/communists. We are again at odds with Russian Communists, do we want a Muslim decidng our fate?
September 11, 2008 at 11:49 a.m. | Mark as Offensive

By: Crystiannia
I get 2 things out of these responses I am reading: it's bad to be a Muslim & it's okay to judge someone by their name. Well, where ignorance is bliss... you must be in America!
September 10, 2008 at 6:52 p.m. | Mark as Offensive

By: Hoot1984
One quick point I think is interesting... if Obama really is a Muslim he is permitted to lie about it to cover it up. In order to further the jihadist agenda Muslims are allowed by the Quran to lie to "infidels" about their Muslim faith. It does not violate Islamic law to live as a christian as long as you are secretly a Muslim seeking jihad.
September 10, 2008 at 3:12 p.m. | Mark as Offensive

Now, when he slips and admits he's a socialist we will just begin to know the candidate.
September 9, 2008 at 11:29 p.m. | Mark as Offensive

By: repairs67
I have read several of these comments from different ones. I dont understand how people can think that Mr. Obama is not a muslim when so much of what he says is telling us that he is. In the Bible the old lady told Peter that his speech betrayed him. Peter was trying to tell the lady that he was not a follower of Jesus Christ the son of God, she knew differently. So when a man has come to live with us as a Christian country after having lived and practiced as a muslim his speech betrays him. One last thing if he has come to decieve America as I believe he has he would not think anything of telling people that he has become a Christian
September 9, 2008 at 9:28 p.m. | Mark as Offensive

tisdag 9 september 2008

A date

My occupation at the moment is trying to get started with my homework. It's always hard for me at the beginning, it's as if I would rather not know if I can do something than try and fail. Get stuck. Because it's that kind of subject, quantum mechanics, very mathematical, very abstract, very interesting but one of the most difficult subjects of all. So I'm gathering courage. A date with my books is like a date with a famous person you admire.

söndag 7 september 2008


I read an article in a girly magazine a while ago. It was about basic things one should know about ones partner and these are the questions:

1. What would be the perfect night out for your partner?
2. Name three destinations your partner would like to visit.
3. What is your partner's favourite movie and why does he/she like it?
4. What makes your partner stressed and irritated?
5. What does your partner regret? (Things he's done or things he hasn't)
6. What is your partner's absolute favourite possession?
7. What is the most tragic thing that has happened in your partners life?
8. Describe your partner's ideal home.
9. What makes your partner laugh?
10. How does your partner want to name your future children?
11. What is your partner's favourite song of all?

I'm posting these somewhat trivial questions resembeling a 7th grade biology quiz not because I think one should marry the person who passes but because I found the questions extremely difficult to answer. That is, not regarding somebody else but myself. I do not know what my favourite song is. I don't think I can give a true answer to any of these questions. However, I believe I know what the people dearest to me would say. And that is my question, does anyone know my answers? Does anyone know me better than I know myself?

lördag 6 september 2008

start with the first one

or all of them at the same time.

For most exchange students, a year abroad is a temporary thing, a time to discover, to enjoy, to pollute another country and to go back home. For me, it was my emancipation. Munich is where I made a million mistakes and where I was moved by people and things around me a million times and where I bought my own coffee.

I just want someone to want me to come.

and I always thought about that... if you ever need anything... let me know. I don't ask questions...

I'm having great difficulty writing my first post in the blog after this long break.

Artistic postcard with a secret on it and learning to love you more.

But I can't stop trying to control my life, I can't just watch the river flow like Siddhartha, I have to catch the fish and build bridges and dams and never let it leak into the ocean.

Well, I can't wait forever.
What is forever?
Until my ovaries crumble.

When I first came to Germany, I mentioned the lack of logic and practical solutions, I criticized and complained and now I see everything that is better in Munich than in Stockholm and I didn't before because I thought this was almost perfect.

You have to quit worrying about 5 years from now.

I am Alice and I am strange and I don't want to be alone in my land of wonders, but I'm afraid I will be because nobody likes crazy people. Or do I just think I'm Alice because normality is boring and so 2002?

A year ago I started this blog (or more like writings on the wall of a Berlin Bahnhof Zoo) with the intention of sharing my impressions of Munich with the people back in Sweden. Now it is the opposite. Although, I'm still going to write in Swedish sometimes because it is my Infinita Tristeza and I can do what I want.

T is the first honest person I've met or I'm just naive as always. Probably both. I want to write about them all, about the French and the Indians and the American but not right now.

According to Quantum Theory, I can be the center of the universe and at the same time delightfully down to earth.